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Effective Date: August 03, 2022
Terms of Usage
Please note that your usage of this website ("Website") is subject to acceptance of these Terms of Usage ("Terms"). If you disagree with these Terms of Usage, or any part of these Terms of Usage, you must not use this website. If you register with our website, we will ask you to expressly agree to these Terms of Usage. Please also see our Privacy Policy.
We may modify these Terms from time to time to reflect changes in our service, changes in technology, changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements, and changes in our system. Such modification shall be effective upon our posting of the revised Terms on the Website, and you agree to be bound by changes to these Terms when you use our Website and Services after any such modification is posted on the Website. It is therefore important that you review these Terms regularly to ensure you are updated as to any changes.
Viruses and Malware
We recommend that you install appropriate defences against viruses and other malware, before you download any information from this Website. We shall accept no liability for any virus or malware contracted as a result of visiting this Website or any other web site and will not be liable for any claim, loss, damage, costs or expenses suffered or incurred by any person as the result of the predence of any virus or malware on this Website or another web site.
Accuracy and Usage of Information Provided
While we make every effort to keep the materials and information on this Website accurate, we disclaim any warranty or representation, expressed or implied about the material's and/or information's (or this Website's) accuracy, completeness or appropriateness ofr a particular purpose. Thus, by using this Website, you assume full responsibility for using the materials and information at this Website, and you understand and agree that we are not responsible or liable for any claim, loss, damage, costs or expenses resulting from its use.
We make no promise that materials on this Website are appropriate or available for use in your location. Accessing this Website from territories where its contents are illegal or unlawful are prohibited. If you choose this access this site, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.
Legal Jurisdiction
These Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore. Every dispute concerning the interpretation or effect of these Terms and/or your use of the Site must be resolved in the state courts situated in the Republic of Singapore. You agree to the personal jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction, and venue of these courts.
You agree to keep your password absolutely confidential; it is for your use alone. You will not tell anyone else what your password is. Passwords should be at least eight (8) alphanumeric characters, using mixed upper and lower case, numbers and special characters. Passwords and PINs must be different than User IDs and should be updated at least every ninety (90) calendar days. The use of passwords that are easily discerned should be avoided.
Cookie Usage
The Website uses cookies to remember if you have received the cookie warning message so that it does not appear after you have accepted the Terms of Usage and the usage of cookies. The Website also uses cookies to help retain your login session if you log in with the option "Keep me logged in" checked. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. For more information, please visit our Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
The Website stores any personal information that you voluntarily provide, and may use it in certain ways. For more information about the kind of information we store and how we use it, please visit our Privacy Policy