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About Us
Made by: Boon Kiat SIAO, Kai Jie TEO, Kevin YAP PhD
The creators of this website are affiliated with the National University of Singapore and Singapore General Hospital. However, this is not a work sponsored, endorsed or approved by any of the prior organisations.
Pictures are sourced from Pexels.com, a free-of-charge stock image database. Access the Pexels.com terms of use here.
What this website is about
Welcome! Here, we attempt to be a one-stop shop for all your informational needs about everything pandemics and epidemics. We seek to provide accurate information, in the form of summaries, as well as links to reliable third-party organisations such as the World Health Organisation, about pandemics and epidemics. We also would like to provide easy access to mental health resources, statistics, and dashboards related to pandemics or epidemics.
We also provide services to help you in a pandemic or epidemic. We provide a symptom tracker, a manual contact tracer, and hospital and travel declaration forms to help you log where you have gone and who you have come into contact in, as well as track relevant symptoms. You can retrieve an aggregate of this data any time to help you check for patterns in your symptoms, as well as to help make a list of the people you have been in contact with.
We hope to help you (regardless of your country), to get information about pandemics and epidemics more easily, as well as to make it easier to keep track of any information that is relevant to you during a pandemic or epidemic.
Why this website was made
This website was made as a prototype for a final-year-project-equivalent PR4191 Sci-Phi module for submission to the National University of Singapore Department of Pharmacy.
Statements about Website Content
This website's content is written in accordance to the 2019 Xcertia mHealth App Guidelines (link).
There are nine content guidelines. How this website follows the nine guidelines is described below.
C1: Credible Information Sources
This website provides the source for content and claims in a "References" section at the bottom of all content pages. Recognised sources are generally used, but in the event that an unrecognised source is used, documentation will be provided about how and when the content was formulated is provided, including information regarding its relevancy and reliability.
C2: Current Information
This website provides the source for content and claims in a "References" section at the bottom of all content pages. This includes the date that the source was published or last updated. The website is updated on a regular basis, and the last-updated date is provided at the bottom of the webpage.
C3: Information Accuracy
This website provides the source for content and claims in a "References" section at the bottom of all content pages, so as to ensure that claims are substantiated. Any necessary disclosures to prevent deception (i.e. affiliation with any organisations) will be made on this page.
C4: Accuracy of Results
This website provides several services for logged-in users. Results produced are expected to be consistent and accurate with user input. If there are technical glitches, please contact us at our email: BLANK.
C5: Advertising within the App
This website does not serve advertisements.
C6: Documentation of Evidence
The effectiveness of this application has not been studied.
C7: Transparency of Evidence
This app is not based upon the results of any study/studies published in peer-reviewed journals.
C8: Publishing Outcomes Data
This application does not claim to achieve any type of results.
C9: Transparency of Data
This application collects user data that is provided by users. For more information, please visit our Terms of Usage and Privacy Policy